Swiss GDP: Going south

Release 2023-11-14
    Figure: Business cycle indicator and Swiss GDP with forecast  


Forecast update. Swiss GDP y-o-y growth collapses in the third quarter, the «KOF Surprise Indicator» shows. Dropping to -0.051 (down from -0.021, revised) it implies a meager 0.11 percent growth of Swiss GDP y-o-y in 2023, third quarter.
«home   Table: Swiss real gross domestic product with forecast  

Year-to-year growth (%) of Swiss real gross domestic product (GDP)
fitted / forecast
standard error
seco estimates*

Sources: Own calculations, forecast for 2023(3), fitted values otherwise, *seco releases (left: May 30, 2023, right: August 31, 2023).

Sample: 2000 (2) - 2023 (2), Forecast: 2023 (3), SECO data

Note: Forecast obtained by best nowcasting model.

Nowcast. Catching up in the race to the bottom, Swiss exceptionalism among its European peers has finally come to an end: at 0.1 percent year-on-year Swiss GDP growth collapses in the second quarter according to the estimate based the «KOF Surprise Indicator».
    Outlook. Amidst major European economies bragging with austerity measures in times of multiple crisis Switzerland now also stands at the brink of recession. In order to avoid further downward spiral, co-ordinated fiscal and monetary policies are key.  
    The Swiss national bank has recently paused its interest rate hikes. In the near future the SNB would be well advised to stop and even return to a more accommodating policy by considering lowering policy rates.  
    In face of now noticeable disinflation fiscal policy should also focus more strongly on supporting the business cycle and shelf excessive austerity measures.  

Special feature: AI cartel detection. Cartels are notorious for their adverse impact on economic growth, welfare and price stability. Traditionally, Switzerland has embraced but changed course more than twenty years ago. Ever since, government cartel busters COMCOM track down colluding firms. With the newly released Competition GPT cartel hunting reaches a new level by making latest AI powered hunter gear available to everyone. Read more»

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Standard error of regression*
Business cycle data download
History 2023-05-15 release
  2023-02-14 release
  2022-11-16 release
  2022-08-17 release
  Complete release history
  First release
Next release 2023-11-15
    *Standard error of regression refers to baseline model published in the first release.  

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